Calcium And Its Role In Burning Fat And Lose Weight Naturally

Eating foods rich of calcium are the most natural weight loss secrets, according to a recent study indicating that calcium helps in burning excess fat in the body and also to obtain a perfect and healthy weight.

These studies that applied on a class of women in San Diego in the United States showed  that women who ate the most quantity of food rich in calcium sources have lost more than women who took foods non-rich in calcium and they contains the same amount of calories, and the reason for that is because if the meal contains all the nutrients, particularly calcium  that will help him considerably to decrease the weight, because the calcium element will be attached to the fat in the body which reduces The likelihood of the absorbed and instead of storing these body fat, it will be eliminated.

There are several other studies conducted on group of people relied on the first two main objectives was to find out whether exercise can increase weight loss for people who eat diets low in calories and rich in calcium. The second objective of the study was to determine the amount of calcium intake for weight loss; this study was performed on 50 people suffering from obesity with exercise of walking for 45 minutes five times a week. And the eating of calcium between 600 and 1300 mg a day, and after 9 months were able to lose weight by approximately 9 kilograms more than the Group hiking only.

And this advice Dietitians give families their children foods rich in calcium such as milk, coffee, yogurt, cheese, sardines and spinach and other foods rich in calcium.

Also, there are some points that advised by these specialists to provide meals with calcium, including:

1. eat yogurt with your meal and ensure that the low-fat.
2. Add low-fat cheese with the authorities.
3. Add low-fat milk to some drinks such as tea, coffee and fresh juices.
4. some people don't like the taste of fresh milk or yogurt or coffee so they can add some flavors like little honey or strawberry or chocolate.
5. Add low-fat cheese for some food like pasta or grilled chicken sandwich.