It is known that green tea has many health benefits but has it really an important factor in normal weight loss?
Rumored among many people that green tea is one of the most important natural factors assist in weight loss, and one of the reasons why people are trading like, this is what knew him on Asian cultures and as everyone knows that most Asians consume green tea and daily life limiting disease including obesity compared with other peoples.
-The most important benefits of green tea:
As it known that green tea contains large amounts of material called Balbolivinol that helps the body in getting rid of free radicals harmful to cells of the body and resulting mainly from the digestive process. And kill these atoms is an important step to avoid infection of several diseases including obesity. And the fact that most of the plant foods containing anti-oxidants combat the proliferation of such atoms are harmful to the body, but nothing better of polyphenols in green tea to fight them.
So the important question asked by many, is it really green tea reduces weight and helps in burning excess fat in the body?
The answer is Yes, there are many reasons that makes green tea useful for weight loss. As is known, green tea contains very important material called caffeine, which also helps speed up the process of digestion and burn fat. And the important thing is that enough material in green tea does not raise heart rate or blood pressure unlike what caffeine. This makes drinking green tea is an effective way to speed up digestion so that you don't have caffeine.
-Studies confirm the extent of the effect of green tea on weight loss naturally:
A study by the American Journal of nutrition showed that green tea is very useful for weight loss is not due to the presence of caffeine, but all other important materials also help burn fat.
The study made several person’s life different from each other and different weights as well, and was divided into three groups as follows:
The first set on the green tea contains caffeine, and the second addressed the placebo group, third group dealt with normal caffeine first addressed the Group reflected enough in green tea.
The results of this study were that the group that ate the digestion rates green tea has more than 41% higher than the rest of the other groups. This is evidence that green tea is one of the most important factors for natural weight loss not only to the presence of caffeine, but there are several other articles also help in weight loss.
And after the experiments and the results of this study we believe what is said about green tea and its relationship to weight loss but should not be the only way to lose weight naturally, but only one of the natural factors assist in weight loss. In General, green tea has several types and varies depending on quality and benefit the largest complement of multiple types, but be careful, excessive anything may become harmful to health. Also, don't you think that eating meals with a glass of green tea burn immediately, and it’s like you never eat something, but as we said, is only one of the elements that will help you lose weight naturally away from other manufactured articles often accompanied by side effects harmful to health.